After only being asked about thirty times for pictures of the garden here, I'm finally figuring out a way to get the visual out to folks. Please bear in mind that: (a) this was all hard-pan covered with pea gravel when we started these beds, (b) the wind is so strong here (up to 60 mph for extended periods of time) that any surface water is almost immediately wicked away (40% evaporation, I think I was told?!), (c) we are essentially watering these plants with salt water (the city water here is overwhelmingly salty), and (d) the sun is so strong here that many full-sun New England plants are planted in NM shade. That said, shockingly, there are still some things growing in our garden. That is thanks largely to Jake's meticulous dedication to each individual plant. Hourly. :-)
Ok, here you go: Tomatoes in the front yard
Crazy hubbard squash in the front that has completely taken over our cherry tree. That's right, the squash has taken over the tree. Sheesh.
This is where it ends...!
The ladies...
Front yard
Watermelon and acorn squash grow well together, apparently.
Our native grass is finally coming in!
Cantaloupe on the vine
Our decorative gourd is climbing away. As in, many inches per day. You probably could literally watch it grow.
The apple tree and rock wall that Jake built for watching sunsets from. Looks out straight over the arroyo at the sunset. So good.
Native flowers, everywhere.
The back tomato patch
On to the vegetable patch...
The first eggplant of the season (called an ichiban japanese eggplant) and the flowers are just beautiful.
Squash! (Jake's favorite)
Okay, that's it for now, but we promise to update the garden saga as the growing continues. <3
1. This is so beautiful! It is less pixilated than via Skype, how, how lovely! Great job, guys :)
ReplyDelete2. I see the title of your blog may or may not have been lifted from my southwestern observations.. just saying...